Quote Of the Day.

“The future belongs to those who believe
in the beauty of their dreams.”

~ Eleanor Roosevelt


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Different Perception

So this other day i was thinking about human being thought process "What do people think?". I mean i get up everyday the first thought which strike me is about going to office, breakfast, evening commitment etc. Similarly what do other people think, take for instace CEO of some industrial group do u think he would give any thought to his breakfast com on man he too is a human being he too must be having some taste desire liking for a particular cuisine, drink etc.

Basically i feel everybody has a totally different perception about the same thing which basically makes us what we are. A acheivers thought process is totally opposite to the thought process of a losser.While a acheiver looks at the problem or oppertunity and find a solution which again enhances his outlook on the other hand a losser woult perceive the same thing as a hurdle, cursing every second person on earth for it and further deluding himself abvout his own outlook.

I am again a gret fan of SRK now if u have followed his growth path as a star, then in 90's when he had just arrived in scene he seemed totally out of place long hair , poor dressing, no charm of a star, but if u look him he has the confidence, looks great even in 40's , theres a flair in his acting.
So how is this transition from a common to a star, is it tag of a superstar which made him what he is today. I feel it's the way the world treats u which too has a very big impact in shaping ur personality.

So it's interaction of ur heart and mind with each other and with the world which makes people What they are? So next time you when u curse someone for their behavior or deed remember u too has contributed in this creation.


  1. I must say u r a good writer. Its ur 1st post n its really great..

    Well...I agree with ur thoughts to some extent. But I differ wid some points. An achiever is so just because of himself. Now ll a person be able to think or put his steps on the success path simply depends upon how he's brought up. so, in that sense, his all-around world affects his attitude towards everything. But world has no role in appreciating a person's success. Person's attitude solely matters.

    PS: I am looking forward for more writings from ur side...:P

  2. hey anand gr8 move ......blogging z realy coolll...... its true dat a person himself z nly responsible for his destiny ..... really cursing wont work ever.. being proactive wll do ..
